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The Finance You Need To Know -- Professional
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview
Introduction to the Course (1:22)
Course Overview (4:31)
Course References
Chapter 2: Treating Yourself Like Your Own Company
Chapter Overview (2:09)
Lecture 1: How Companies Make Money (6:15)
Lecture 2: Introduction to Passive Income (5:45)
Chapter 2 References
Chapter 3: Managing Expenses
Chapter Overview (3:11)
Lecture 1: Managing Expenses (10:34)
Lecture 2: How to Minimize Expenses (6:34)
Lecture 3: Why we know we should save money but don't
Lecture 4: What is a credit score?
Case Study: Is saving good for everyone?
Chapter 3 References
Feedback Part 1
How is the course so far?
Chapter 4: Personal Savings Options
Chapter Overview (2:11)
Lecture 1: Checking and Savings Accounts (5:32)
Lecture 2: The TFSA and Roth IRA (11:12)
Lecture 3: The RRSP (7:46)
Tutorial: More about the value of the RRSP (11:27)
Lecture 4: More On the RRSP (7:26)
Lecture 5: The 401(k) and IRA (6:03)
Lecture 6: A Comparison of the Registered Accounts (12:11)
Chapter 4 References
Chapter 5: Investing In The Stock Market
Chapter Overview (4:33)
Lecture 1: What is the stock market? (13:07)
Introduction to Passive Investing
Lecture 2: Why do we care about financial statements? (5:46)
Lecture 3: Financial Statements Part 1 (7:16)
Lecture 4: Financial Statements Part 2 (10:56)
Lecture 5: Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and Individual Companies (9:05)
Lecture 5.1: What are index funds and how do they differ from Mutual Funds and ETFs?
Lecture 6: Warren Buffett Investing Techniques and Strategies (10:55)
Lecture 7: Benjamin Graham Investing Techniques and Strategies Part 1 (10:49)
Lecture 8: Benjamin Graham Investing Techniques and Strategies Part 2 (8:37)
Lecture 9: Benjamin Graham Investing Techniques and Strategies Part 3 (4:20)
Lecture 10: Peter Lynch Investing Techniques and Strategies (5:10)
Lecture 11: Ray Dalio Investing Strategies and Techniques (10:30)
Tutorial 1: Investment Analysis Part 1 (6:38)
Tutorial 2: Investment Analysis Part 2 (16:41)
Tutorial 3: Investment and Decision Tracker (9:06)
Chapter 5 References
Feedback Part 2
Wow, you are making great progress! How is it going so far?
Chapter 6: Real Estate As An Investment
Chapter Overview (3:48)
Lecture 1: Why Invest in Real Estate (5:55)
Lecture 2: Introduction to Interest and Mortgage Rates (11:09)
Lecture 3: The Microeconomics of Real Estate (11:19)
Lecture 4: Down Payments and Why They Matter To You Part 1 (7:14)
Lecture 5: Down Payments and Why They Matter Part 2 (14:43)
Lecture 6: A Deeper Dive Into the Real Cost of a Home (4:44)
Lecture 7: A Deeper Dive Into Mortgages (8:17)
Lecture 8: Buying Vs. Renting (8:11)
Lecture 9: Getting Others To Pay Off Your Mortgage (9:03)
Tutorial 1: Real Estate Vs. Stock Market Analysis Part 1 (18:32)
Tutorial 2: Real Estate Vs. Stock Market Analysis Part 2 (6:35)
Tutorial 3: Real Estate Vs Stock Market Analysis Part 3 (11:42)
Chapter 6 References
Chapter 7: Passive Income
Lecture 1: Recalling Passive Income (2:40)
Lecture 2: Top 10 Ways to Utilize Passive Income Part 1 (7:54)
Lecture 3: Top 10 Ways to Utilize Passive Income Part 2 (6:25)
Lecture 4: Passive Income Combination Examples (8:24)
Chapter 7 References
Chapter 8: Taxes
Lecture 1: Introduction To Taxes (8:03)
Lecture 2: The Basics of Income Taxes (7:06)
Lecture 3: Being Tax Efficient (16:00)
Lecture 4: Taxing Investments (10:42)
Lecture 5: Real Estate Taxes (11:43)
Lecture 6: Taxes Summary (3:48)
Chapter 8: References
Chapter 9: Investing In Yourself
Lecture 1: Introduction (2:13)
Lecture 2: Post Secondary Education -- Is it worth it? (6:20)
Lecture 3: How to value your time (8:13)
Lecture 4: Multiply your time (9:41)
Chapter 9 References
Chapter 10: Conclusion
You did it! (7:13)
Feedback Part 3
Lecture 5.1: What are index funds and how do they differ from Mutual Funds and ETFs?
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