Welcome to Personal Finance Fundamentals

Take control over life's toughest decisions

In every major decision in life, there will be the question that you will always ask yourself... "Can I afford it?"

People often have fantastic ambitions and are full of energy to pursue challenges that will change their life and the world. The greatest things holding them back are the daunting questions of affordability:

  • Can I afford to go to school?
  • Can I afford that new apartment
  • Can I afford to try a new career and move to a new city?

Learning the fundamentals of personal finance will help you know when you can and when you cannot afford something.

Better yet, a strong understanding of personal finance will give you the freedom to spend your life the way you want.

Simplify Personal Finance

It doesn't need to be complicated. You will be able to take control of your life and grow your wealth more than ever before.

In this course, we take you from zero understanding of personal finance to a confident financial decision-maker.

See what our students say!

"This is epic, really well done, and I'm a huge fan."

LiamUnderwriter, Intact Insurance

"[Zack,] I think that you have really mastered making the videos concise. They give enough info to provide an excellent basic understanding of all the concepts."

SaschaDual Engineering and Business student, University of Calgary

"I really enjoyed the course! It was super easy to follow and a great pace."

TaylorResearch Assistant, University of Calgary

"I think every young adult who plans on retiring should take this course!!!"


"The overall course was very digestible and easy to follow! I think it's easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of information and jargon there is out there but this course provides a much more holistic view and introduction to personal finance!"

NathanielSoftware Engineer

"Great content. Delivered in a straightforward, incremental fashion. I especially liked the examples provided for each section, plus the associated dollar and/or time savings."

- Dan, Insurance BD Specialist

Meet Your Instructors

My name is Zachary Kahn and I am the co-founder of Compound Confidence and lead instructor for this course. I have a passion for helping people learn the skills and strategies that allow them to achieve anything they want while doing what they love.

I work at Google and graduated from university with a combined degree in Chemical Engineering and Computer Science. I enjoy building great education and technology products. We would love for you to join Compound Confidence so that we can be part of your financial freedom journey.

My name is Joshua Kahn and I am a co-founder of Compound Confidence and teaching assistant for this course. I believe we can help people pursue their passion without being held back by their personal finances.

I work at Galatea Technologies and graduated from university with a combined degree in Mechanical Engineering and Finance. I enjoy helping others pursue their goals and create value in the world. If you have any questions along your journey, I will be there to walk you through it.

We expect to add value to your life.

Your time is valuable, and we don't plan on wasting it. Our goal is to provide at least 10 times more value to you than you pay for this course over the next 5 years.

Here is some data we have to show you why we think this course is worth your time.

Students who take this course:

✅ Learn how to create a strong budget and automate the budgeting process to stay on top of expenses

✅ Identify the difference between good and bad debt and how loans work

✅ Recognize the power of compound interest and the danger of credit card debt

✅ Protect online identity and prevent personal financial fraud

✅ Understand the basics of taxes and true take-home pay

✅ Get more out of each paycheck and your investments by utilizing registered investment accounts

✅ Bonus: How to be financially ready for post-secondary education

On average, our feedback suggests that students will:

Save/earn an extra $7,500 over the next 5 years

from what they learn in this course

Again, we are long-term thinkers, so we hope these results only compound more over your lifetime.

The Curriculum

  Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 1: Treating yourself like a company
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 2: Managing expenses
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 3: The cost of money
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 4: Online security best practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 5: Tax basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 6: Personal savings options
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 7 - How to be financially ready for post secondary education
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

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